Social Value
Mantra is committed to deliverying social value outputs alongside its Job Gym GM delivery including providing unfunded career advice and support to help GM residents progress into sustainable employment.
Mantra recruits local people and creates apprenticeship opportunities for young people. We pay above the Real Living Wage and have a staff review process to identify progression opportunities. All staff undertake CPD activities and engage in further learning covering a range of themes including mental health and proactive safeguarding, based on issues within the GM area.
Over the last year our members have created 45 new jobs and we will be recruiting and creating additional jobs to support this contract. In the last year 20 of these new members of staff have been recruited from GM.
Mantra is a member of the Antz Network that was created in 2011 to bridge the gap that exists between businesses, charities and social enterprises and partners these organisations based on mutual interest and commitment to giving back to their communities and creating sustainable business practices. It concentrates on deprived and disaffected communities, helping individuals furthest away from employment. Members provide employer engagement and work experience, improving opportunities of apprenticeships and employment.
Mantra encourages employee volunteering and supports several local charities. The Association of Husaria Manchester is a charity that supports Polish WW2 veterans.
Over half of the Job Gym GM supply chain are third sector and SMEs. Many of these organisations will be supported to improve their delivery skills. They will be supported to professionalise their teacher/ tutoring staff. They are supported to use and understand how to best use the high-quality teaching and learning materials that have already and will be further developed by the Job Gym Hub.
Mantra is implementing a sustainability action plan to improve our environmental impact through reducing waste and minimising energy consumption. Several initiatives have been implemented successfully, including waste segregation to raise recycling by 10% and energy efficiency measures in the warehouse to reduce fuel consumption by 5%.
Mantra actively promotes a healthy workplace and the general wellbeing of employees and residents. We are working with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) on their Travel to a Greener Future scheme. In recognition of our support to this scheme, Mantra was presented with a Silver Award.